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September 25, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes September 25, 2013  7:00pm  Town Hall, Princeton, MA

Meeting called to order at  7:04 PM.  Committee Members Present:

John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Dag Olsen
Bill Dino
Ned Utzig

Chris Lynch from Matrix Design Group also attended.

  • Conference call with Tom Buechel  (Charter):
  • Tom deals with carrier side of the business, considers Princeton to be a potential carrier, based on our current plans.
  • Expected parameters / questions – Princeton would want a connection via Charter, can bring fiber to a termination point, provide services on our network
  • Can provide voice/data, terminating in town at an Edge router device.  Can provide various bandwidth options depending on needs.
  • Connection process: Princeton identifies a fiber terminal location, Comcast provides a proposal for delivering fiber to it.  Conversely, Princeton can build the line and Comcast can connect to it.
  • TV beyond Charter immediate area may have FCC/governmental implications. Outside of Tom’s area but can be discussed.
  • Charter may be interested in building network, turning over to Princeton, or some other agreement where Comcast operates network.
  • Discussion on price point for ISP service of data/voice.  
  • Comcast will deliver required bandwidth but does not get involved beyond demarcation point with management of WAN beyond there.
  • Would Charter be interested in bidding on being a MSO (multi service operator / aka ISP) ? - yes, providing Princeton can help overcome financial barriers.  Tom can broker/set up discussions on this if desired.
  • Tom: either Charter is the operator and runs the network, or they deliver bandwidth.
  • Charter would be interested in being the operator including build, if Princeton pays for the network or pays for a large enough portion to satisfy Charter’s business requirements.
  • Stan report on MBI visit with Judy DuMont:
  • Stan, Judy DuMont, Christine Hatch, + MBI Program manager.
  • Discussed ways MBI could help Princeton, letter from MBI etc.
  • IT Bond Bill, discussion of $40M distribution. Unclear how it will be distributed. Stan/John working with Kim Ferguson on ensuring bill’s wording for distribution is fair to Princeton.
  • Discussion on what towns currently connected to MBI’s network – primarily Public Safety and Schools on ERATE plan in a small number of communities.
  • Update from Stan on talking points sent to Selectmen on Broadband updates.  Bond bill, infrastructure mapping project, design from Bay State Networks, info mailer.
  • Approved meeting minutes for 9/18
  • Reviewed website response letter – Phil to revise.
  • John met with Bay State Networks –  They want John to locate all the transformers on the poles, and parcel addresses. John working on delivering various requested data to them.
New Action Items
  • Princeton to provide demarcation point for Comcast where we would like fiber to be terminated. (Stan/Bill)
  • Stan to talk to Phil about response section on web site to Wayne’s points. (Stan)
  • Can Princeton purchase off of the GSA Schedule? (Stan)
  • Invite Comcast back for more detailed discussions in three weeks – 10/16 (Bill)
  • Rich to post update to website with pole progress (Rich)
Ongoing Business / Long Term Action Items

  • John to talk to Christine Hatch on MBI about mapping tool.
  • Decide date of special town meeting (All)
  • John/Stan to work on revised depreciation plan. (John/Stan)

Agenda for 10/2
  • No meeting on 10/2 – Next meeting 10/9

Meeting adjourned 8:47 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig